

THIS IS EMBARRASSING, but the other day I definitely threw a bit of a tantrum. How this relates to Mr. Weiwei, I will get to in a minute. I woke up the other morning feeling incredibly blah. Around noon I noticed that the “blah” feeling made its inevitable transition into a quasi-freak out bordering on funk, “what the hell am I doing with my life” type moment. This is interesting though because my life isn’t bad (at all). I know this for a fact because I just spent half the year roaming India– you might have guessed that India has a beautiful way of humbling people. She makes you grateful for all that you have and that makes you want to be a better human being somehow (if I ever adopt like I plan to, I will send all my children to India once they graduate high school, at which point they will spend time in a Tibetan monastery and learn a bit about life and what it means to struggle peacefully). RIGHT. So my life is actually not horrible– I have a place to live, I currently have more money than I’m used to having, HELLOOOO… I am sitting here munching on goji berries (I need to RELAX)… the only question is what is this next step during this really kind of selfish, quarter-of-life crisis, in reality completely meaningless phase of my life. Well, that’s the point… I don’t want it to be meaningless. I find myself wanting to do huge pieces with great meaning. I want to spread a huge banner across Times Square that says, “STOP KILLING EACH OTHER. REALLY, WHAT THE FUCK?” I would like to help educate those who cannot find the means to educate themselves. Or maybe just make a huge telephone that rings occasionally… when answered the voice shouts, “This is your wake up call.”

This brings me to the amazingness that is Ai Weiwei. I suppose I could have just posted, “I want to be like Ai Weiwei. I want to work with that man. I believe that I can take a stab at it by going to continuing education courses (I mean Woody Allen seemed to think that was a great idea a la Annie Hall- well in the beginning half anyway) and expanding myself as a human and an artist, right?”

Whenever I visit Ai Weiwei’s site, I feel that someone is making art for art’s sake; for the people’s sake. I find that inspiring. So this is my thank you note to Ai Weiwei for never ceasing to inspire me and always pulling me out of my funk.

(I think that is going to be my one and only rant on this blog. It feels bit icky to put all that out there.)

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